Friday, July 29, 2022
The Strangers: Prey At Night
There aren't many slasher movies made in the twenty-first century that are devoid of the meta and satirical influences ushered in by the post-Scream slasher era. This feels like a throwback to 80s slashers both in the scaled down story and style. The zooms, pull back shots, long wide shots, and wide establishing shots feel very John Carpenter. The same for the scaled down story being set primarily in a trailer park. The disassembling of the nuclear family versus random killers in masks gives the story a real feel. The family starts disconnected, but not necessarily apart and the grow together more because of this experience. Save for a couple of bad character decisions, which were only made more noticeable because I cared for them, there was nothing that took me out of the movie. The great cinematography and music only bolster an all ready intense thrill ride.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Gambling City
Synopsis: Luca Altieri is a gambler. He likes cards and he is a master in playing poker. He is a cardsharper too. He begins working for "The President", who has many gambling houses and everything seems to go well until Luca falls for Maria Luisa. Unfortunately for them, she is the girl of Corrado, the son of "The President"...
The film starts with Luca (Merenda) entering into a high stakes poker game in Milan. He fleeces his fellow players by pretending to be a poker beginner and once they've gone all in beats them all. There is an interesting element of classism here as well as Luca has on some less than prestige clothing and looks like a loser as part of his con. He later has this sleeve contraption where he feeds himself a certain card and I’m not sure if he’s using that here or not. He gets into the elevator and meets the President (Enrico Maria Salerno) and starts working for him. He eventually saves a woman named Maria Luisa (Dayle Haddon) from her "bodyguard" and the two start a relationship. Unfortunately she is the girlfriend of the President's son Corrado, one of those eager to prove himself types in his father's shadow. When Luca leaves Corrado and the bodyguard show up and as a proof of his power he has the bodyguard start to rape her then orders him to relent.
There are some great scenes of Luc Merenda using his athleticism early on. For example one of the men he swindles at the card table comes after him with a few other guys and he beats them all up. As usual something about Merenda's ability to both punch and kick convincingly makes him great on screen. Later there is a moment where he is being held but uses both of his feet to kick two men in the face.
Luca later gets into some trouble because of his relationship with Maria Luisa and gets his hands smashed by Corrado and his goons. This may have influenced Robert Rodriguez for the "Long Night" segment in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. The similarities between the two characters and their fates are there. He later shows up to play cards against Corrado and beats him. The President gives Maria some money and makes her promise to tell Luca never to gamble again and move to Nice to stay out of trouble. There is a real Commodus-Marcus Aurelius situation from Gladiator and Corrado kills his father. He, however doesn't have the mob connections his father had leading to some great shootouts where his men kill other mob members.
Luca struggles to live a normal life and starts gambling again. This shows the power of greed and gambling addiction. Maria wants him to give up gambling and he agrees to, but not until after one final scam where he teams up with one of the guys he scammed at the beginning. This guy is revealed to be working for Corrado. Luca loses the card game on purpose and then gets into a chase with Corrado's men. A great chase as well.
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Maria is shot and killed during the chase. She had revealed earlier that she was pregnant. In a really sad ending Luca is shown going to the beach and seeing a family and reflecting on what he could have had. There is a moral here as well. Luca got back into gambling when he had enough money to live a modest life but wanted more and wanting to tie up the loose ends. You could argue though he never would have been spotted by Corrado or anyone else he would've scammed if he had stayed out of trouble. I never would gamble again if I had Dayle Haddon and her blue eyes to keep me company but everyone is different and greed is powerful. I like all the different aspects of this story and it has the feel of a Shakespearian tragedy with the star crossed love and the sad ending. The Nice, Italy locations are beautiful in the second half as well. I like Milan and Rome locations but I always like Italian movies that take the audience somewhere they don't see often as Italian architecture is always nice to look at. Unfortunately as well this movie is difficult to find and I hope someone releases it again someday. This has Code Red or an Arrow triple feature set written all over it. The NoShame DVD is out of print. I found it on a free video site that may or may not be legal. It's one of the first results on Google if you type Gambling City in on the video search.
English dubbing cast:
- Frank Von Kuegelen dubs Luc Merenda as Luca, this is one of the best dubbing/actor combo’s in these movies as his voice captures Merenda’ dramatic acting well
- Carolyn De Fonseca dubs Dayle Haddon as Maria
- Robert Spafford dubs Enrico Maria Salerno as the President
- Edward Mannix dubs the security guard as the poker casino
Rating: 9/10
Trivia: Luc Merenda said this was one of his favorite things to be in because the story was lovely and different and his character had more depth. I would agree.
Friday, July 22, 2022
The Violent Professionals
- Michael Forest dubs Luc Merenda as Giorgio
Thursday, July 21, 2022
The Witch (2015)
Visitor Q
Monday, July 18, 2022
Uncle Sam (1996)
- Prior Evil: Killer was "killed" by friendly fire by the military. He comes back alive when he senses that people are disrespecting American traditions and emblems like the American flag or mocking the national anthem.
- Body Count: 12
- Whodunit: No. Similar to Maniac Cop though we find out more about him as the movie goes along
- Mask or outfit: Uncle Sam outfit and mask
- Locale: Small town celebrating Independence Day
- Best Kill: The flagpole impalement
- Gimmick: Killing anyone who disrespects America to him
- Colt M1911 Handgun
- Flagpole Strings
- Flagpole
- Fireworks
- Grill
- Hatchet
- Meat Cleaver
• Kingdom: Movie
• Phylum: Horror
• Class: Slasher
• Order: Exploitation and supernatural
• Family: Upper body nudity one one woman
• Genus: Realistic in some ways but not in how a person comes back to live. One zombie but everything else is realistic.
• Species: Somewhat dark comedy but still serious.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key
- Edward Mannix subs Luigi Pistilli as Oliviero
- Susan Spafford dubs Anita Strindberg as Irina
- Frank Von Kuegelen dubs Riccardo Salvino as Dario
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
- Susan Spafford dubbed Suzy Kendall as Jane
- Carolyn De Fonseca dubbed the prostitute Stefano sees
- Frank Von Kuegelen dubs a man in the small town who says "Look at those knockers."
Sunday, July 10, 2022
The Host (2006)
The movie starts with two scientists talking about dumping "dirty formaldehyde," down the drain into a South Korean river. Now two hundred bottles of formaldehyde would never cause such a mutation in a river, especially for what looks like a giant killer tadpole crossed with a bass to appear. That is that satirical element though and and good start for a monster movie. Veteran American actor Scott Wilson portrays the American scientist. The formaldehyde in the water pollutes it and causes many fish and habitats to die. This is relatable to real life as how many times has science interfered with something like this or how many times has pollution caused problems with the water? I went to college in a town where muskies were put in the river and now guess what, theres no other fish in that river! So while the monster thing is an exaggeration, this could actually happen in a different way on a smaller scale.
The next thing the movie does is introduce us to the family of characters in this. Park Gang-du (Song Kang-ho) runs a snack bar with his father Hee-bong (Byun Hee-bong). Gang-du has a brother Nam-il an alcoholic former university student. His sister Nam-joo is an olympic archer. They show her flaw by showing her only getting a bronze medal as.the timer runs out on her before she can make the final shot. Gang-du frequently falls asleep at the register while running the snack bar. None of these characters are flawless. Gang-du does have a young daughter Hyun-seo who is embarrassed by her family. Her mother left when she was younger.
One day people see tentacles and evidence of something large in the river. They start throwing stuff in and the monster attacks. This a unusually quick appearance for a monster in a monster movie. It also shows the monster attacking during the day. I would compare this to the tripod attacks in War of the Worlds in that the monster isn't so large that it destroys all the buildings and infrastructure but it's big enough and fast enough to keep up with all the people running, killing many and causing chaos among big crowds. While the monster is a lot of CGI, especially moving, it still looks pretty good today. Not great, but decent. It's much better than SYFY original creature feature monsters. During this chaos, Gang-du grabs Hyun-seo's hand but then loses her and releases he grabbed the wrong hand. In a great dramatic sequence where the music stops and Gang-du sees Hyun-seo behind him and she is grabbed the monster. This sequence and the style and Gang-du making yet another silly mistake is repeated later. I like it though because it makes him human and how many people have lost their kids in a big crowd of people? It feels real.
At a funeral for all the victims starts the great use of dark comedy within Korean movies. While the four family members reunite and mourn the loss of Hyun-seo, their exaggeratory nature makes the scene funny as they cry but also fall ant trip over each other. In the background someone talks about a car outside that is parked wrong. Again Koreans just know how to add this stuff in their movies and not have it feel out of place. Meanwhile Hyun-seo is shown to be alive and well in the sewers. She finds a way to call Gang-du on a cellphone. The American military has shown up and quarantined anyone who had contact with the monster. They say it hosts a deadly virus. This is the start of the more Romero side of the plot.
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Gang-du and his family find a way to escape and get guns. They confront the creature during the day. Gang-du makes another fateful mistake as he incorrectly tells his father that there is another shell left in the shotgun but when he goes to shoot the monster he is out. The monster brutally flails him around and kills him. Again good contrast between the comedy and dramatic horror and action. The family eventually all split off. A bounty has been placed on the family. Gang-du is eventually captured and learns that the virus was a coverup for what really happened at the beginning of the movie. I can't think of anything that relates better to present day after the pandemic started in 2020. The family all meet up to battle the monster again. Nam-joo gets some good shots in with her bow which is a real fist pump moment. It is revealed that Hyun-seo had been eaten. A little boy named Se-joo had been in the sewer with her and Gang-du revives him. Gan-du kills the monster with a pole. After mourning Hyun-seo he eventually inherits his father's shop and adopts Se-joo.
There are more moments throughout the second half that I like. While the monster carnage int this isn't amazing the kills can be quite brutal, but not necessarily bloody. I really like the moment where the monster goes to the sewer and regurgitates all of the bones he ate. Another great dark comedy moment is when Gang-du falls asleep in the store and his brother and sister talk about how pathetic he is and his father says yes he is pathetic but you have to protect him. That is yet another great dramatic moment with some comedy. I find it interesting from a South Korean perspective that the American military is really the biggest antagonist in this movie because they divide the family for parts of the movie but also lie about the virus and could easily kill the monster anytime but choose not to. Again the Romero movies felt like an influence but so did movies like High and Low just the kidnapper being a monster. I love everyone in that family and they are the heart of this movie.
Rating; 9.5/10
Trivia: The ticket sales mathematically say that around 20% of the Korean population at the time saw this movie. That doesn't account for people who saw the movie more than once though. The film was such a hit that a statue of the monster was made near the Han River.
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