Thursday, November 24, 2022
The Street Fighter (1974)
Monday, November 21, 2022
Sheba, Baby
There are some classic Pam moments in this. I like when she threatens the street criminal, whom she later holds at gunpoint in the car wash and says, "I'm going to put my number one foot up your number one mouth." That checks out because he is known only as number one. Also when she is caught later she tries to seduce Shark which is something Pam does to the villains in all of these movies. The investigatory aspect is just Brick finding things out offscreen. Most of the action scenes including the chase at the meeting are quite run of the mill and don't standout. I was surprised at the amount of blood squibs though for a PG movie. There is even a sex scene implied between her and Brick where you see full side boob. So way more than you could get away with for a PG movie today. With the shootout on the boat I kept waiting for more blood squibs and then three great ones come in rapid succession, on the guy's legs and then one gets shot in the chest. I really liked the one close up shot of Pam with a magnum out of focus, then a tight focus on her face as she contemplates whether to shoot the guy or not. The amusement park filming location was cool. I've never seen someone threaten someone while holding them over a moving roller coaster so there was that. I always enjoy seeing the older prices on food stands. Like 50 cents for a burger?! I'd only recommend this to hardcore Pam Grier fans looking for something beyond her usual blaxploitation movies.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Foxy Brown
Foxy Brown: [pretending to be call girl, Misty Cotton] Baby, is this what you're going to use on me?
[points at the Judge's crotch]
Judge Fenton: What?
Foxy Brown: I mean, I've heard of a meat shortage, but, that's ridiculous!
Judge Fenton: Well, you've got - well, eh, the other girls liked it.
Foxy Brown: Oh, I'm sure I'll like it. But, I just can't find it! Claudia, help me find it. I think its down here somewhere. Watch it. Don't rub on it. The charge, Your Honor, is assault with a very undeadly weapon.
Claudia: I mean, you talk about your blunt instrument!
Judge Fenton: Well, you're different, alright. I'll say that for ya.
Foxy Brown: You too, little man.
Monday, November 14, 2022
Friday Foster
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Omar ties a noose around King George attached to a car and eventually kills him with the objects he runs into. Coffy is shown tied up in a shed. She is shown making a weapon out of one of her hair pins. Later Vitroni has a meeting with Ramos, the One Eyed Man, and surprise...Howard. He brings in Coffy to test Howard's loyalty saying he is okay with killing her to move up in the world. Coffy is about be injected with a lethal dose of drugs but switches the drugs and lures Omar outside of the car under pretense of having sex with him. She stabs Omar with her hair pain. The two corrupt cops assigned to her are also killed. One by getting ran over while pursuing Coffy. The other is killed in explosion after an accident while chasing her. Coffy takes a car and goes back to the house where the meeting was and kills everyone. Virtoni tells her where Howard is hiding as she says she will let him live, but doesn't. She goes to Howard's beach house and kills him after he begs for forgiveness. She is about to accept, when a naked white woman comes out of Howard's bathroom she he isn't too broken up about losing Coffy. The movie ends with Coffy walking on the beach.
"Where do you think that $100 a day goes? Oh, sure, part of it goes to black pushers and distributors. But, the main part of it - the really big part - goes to those white men who import the narcotics. And the big part goes to those white men who corrupt our law enforcement agencies. And the big part goes to those white men who draft our black boys and send them over to Indo-China - to protect other white men who are the original suppliers of the narcotics. So, you see this whole thing becomes a vicious attempt as a part of the white power structure to exploit our black men and women in this society."
Now his quote at the end: "Black people want dope and brown people want dope, and as long as people are deprived of a decent life, they're gonna want something just to plain feel good with. And nothings gonna change that - except money and power. And that's what I'm after, baby. Power - to change things for our people. I want to get all that money back into the hands of black people."
The problem is people and Coffy have been killed, or so he thinks while he is trying to get that power for himself. Howard is just like anyone else lying to people about what is really doing. He is just as much a part of that structure as anyone. This movie is about Coffy learning just that. By the end she seems content with who she has killed instead of being sick like at the beginning. She sees by the end that people like Howard and Virtoni are the real ones responsible for her sister's addiction and ailments. It is interesting the company he starts keeping is the white men are part of that power structure. He is just as helpless to stop them when he is the corrupt one. Carter can't stop them as an honest cop, so Coffy's way is the best way, but it is still against the law and normally most people can't go against the law kill everyone from a power structure. This movie makes you think two things: Yes Coffy avenged her sister and yes she killed some people at the top but as long as drugs and money are two things struggling people want people can profit off that it will always be around. It will also never bring her sister back. So there is a bittersweetness to this ending as Coffy now has no one even though she accomplished what she wanted to.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Cop Game
- Frank Von Kuegelen dubs Werner Pochath as Kasler
- Nick Alexander dubs Romano Puppo as Skipper
Monday, November 7, 2022
Born to Fight (1989)
- Robert Spafford dubs John Van Dreelan as General Weber
Double Target
- Larry Dolgin dubs Mike Monty as Colonel Waters
- Robert Spafford dubs Luciano Pigozzi as McDougall
The Big Doll House
A smorgasbord of exploitation and sexploitation, THE BIG DOLL HOUSE is a fun women-in-prison movie. While there is enough violence, tortur...
Anyone who knows me knows 70s films have my favorite aesthetic. Whether it be the way the film looks, the lighting, the way blood looks. A...
The latter half of John Carpenter's directorial career has been thoroughly criticized. Sometimes deserved, other times too excessively...
If The House with Laughing Windows is the atmospheric giallo that creates dread with atmosphere and a doom and gloom setting this one is ...